Our half-caff blend is inspired by the Swedish word, "dygn." This is another word without direct translation but it is used to describe a twenty four hour period, or one day plus one night. Half caff is as it sounds, half caffeinated coffee and half decaffeinated coffee. We believe this blend is not only a delicious combination of two of our favorite beans, but additionally a coffee of convenience that can be enjoyed any time of day; for a minor energy boost, for the love of coffee flavor, or for the ritual of coffee that has become vital to so many.
This is a medium roast blend that brews a well-rounded cup with a hint of berry sweetness.
Half Caffeine Blend - Day + Night
Grind Size
Please select Grind Size when choosing your coffee.
Grind Size
- Whole Bean - You grind your coffee at home - Maximum freshness
- Turkish Coffee - Powder fine
- Espresso - Fine
- AeroPress/Moka Pot - Medium fine
- Pour-over - Medium
- Drip/Chemex - Medium Coarse
- French Press/Percolator - Coarse
- Cold Brew/Cowboy Coffee - Extra Coarse